decima tv
a brand new arts tv channel
launching soon!
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Monday, 7 March 2011


On 30th April decima are holding a spectacular event called ART WHICH IS ALSO A DISCO at the Courtyard Theatre in Hoxton 8pm-11pm and we would like to hear from performers and artists who want to participate, get involved and we would love to hear your ideas... we wanna pin down all the performers / participants at least a month in advance for publicity purposes.

The Itchy Nipplez Troupe are the official DJs of the night, but there will also be art, video pieces and performance (disco / circus related). The basic premise is that we are doing this as part of a festival called "The Illusion of Art" and it is taking the idea of smoke & mirrors & applying it to the disco / club / circus / magic / burlesque worlds which are somewhat illusory sensory worlds you can get lost in.

Importantly however, the night can just be enjoyed by guests as a party / disco. There will be lots of smoke and mirrors and a mirror ball. We want art from all disciplines which uses light, video, dance, performance etc. in interesting ways and the closer it is related to the theme of disco the better. We don't want any live musicians unless they can play or sing or shout or talk their words/instrument to a backing track which is dancable - we can't be arsed with accommodating full bands, drum kits, amps, instruments, fuck that. But if someone wants to sing to a backing track or play a keyboard or harmonica or beatbox or whatever then cool - max one or two tracks - actually it would be quite nice thinking about it to try and get someone who is like a seaside club act singing and playing a bontempi keyboard but hey just thinking aloud now.

Fan-dancers, belly-dancers, magicians, clowns and ice-cream ladies. We have a performance DJ called 1991 who only plays 19 records from 1991 and we have an upside-down mirrorball sculpture and a large flashing thing saying "EAST END SHITHOLE"

This project is at the moment entirely unfunded but we are currently working on raising funds for it, at which point we can talk to performers about fees / expenses. We are not charging entry. However it's important that people are prepared to do it for the publicity/exposure and the fun alone, as we cannot promise anything. Chicken & egg - we can't really raise funds until we know who is involved...

This event will be used as a template for creating more events along the same lines, which people pay entry and we can pay everyone, and also to tour it hopefully to festivals and around the country / europe / maybe the world and attract funding from funding bodies.

The most important things to say about this event (which may be deal-breakers) at this stage are:

- we will be playing from a pretty strict playlist agreed beforehand, the idea being that the music will be fairly tightly choreographed/linked to the performances etc. and also the fact that we want pretty much every track to be dancable and nothing weird or obscure or experimental or boring or heavy or slow etc.
- performance pieces must be performed to a dancable/disco-y backing track and there will be no stopping/starting/announcing as is usually the case - the whole night blends into one: also we're especially inviting performances which can blend into / interact with the crowd.

Don't forget we're also after wall-based art and sculpture if it works in that context.

Please email us on

Nanight & thanks

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